Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I Don't Understand

Geert Wilders is speaking at a "Free Speech Forum" here at school tonight. I'm going, but I feel kinda funny about it.

It's definitely going to be interesting. As far as I know, Wilders: is in the Dutch Parliament representing the Freedom party, opposes immigration and made a short film called "Fitna" that shows footage from various terrorist attacks alongside passages from the Koran, in his mind connecting all of Islam with senseless violence. I don't necessarily disagree with this notion of Islamofascism that Geert describes... Iran is an Islamic Republic with fascist tendencies, for example. I don't think the term applies to all of Islam, widely recognized as a religion that actively promotes peace, like just about every other religion. A lot of people here are saying his rhetoric is hateful and hate speech isn't free speech... I don't really agree with that. He's espousing a political belief that's opposed to extreme Islam. Uhhh I dunno, I'm not very good at writing about these things.

I support Temple in not canceling the event tonight. And I'm glad people have the right to and will be protesting outside Anderson Hall. I support them too. Which is why I feel funny. I think people are missing the point: no matter what you choose to do tonight, you're exercising your right to free speech. Just don't do nothing!!!

1 comment:

  1. I disagree with the protesters, mainly because it's a ridiculous thing to oppose his right to talk about whatever he wants in an objective and academic environment. It provides a place for critical thought and open discussion. There are more openly racist haters on national television daily that provide more than enough stereotypical anti-muslim garbage. Why not boycott those things? This seems like an excuse for the protesters to be political, but really it doesn't solve anything at all. If anything they are just drawing more attention to a "racist" speaker who would have probably otherwise garnered no similar attention. Congrats on your mega-fail [protesters].
